Familial Communities Meetings Alert


Going Digital !

   In-person,  familial communities meetings are canceled. However we will be holding our regular meetings via Zoom.
   In the Light of the situation regarding COVID-19 in Lebanon, our primary concern remains the health and safety of all participants in our activities. All in-person activities would be canceled until further notice due to the emergency lockdown declared by the government and the Eparchy


From Domestic Church to International Church


During  a daily pause, the family shares its experiences in the light of the Bible.

   By doing  so, the experience is transferred to other families, and so the family is transformed from domestic church to International church.
    Every day, at 10 am, Metanoia would suggest three texts, from which the family can choose one. Three steps to follow: Pause, Meditate, Communicate.
1- Pause: Stop for a short time and gather together as a family (parents and children, the couple alone, or the single person, etc ...). Start with a silent time to be fully present before God and the Other.
2- Meditate: Start by reading the pre-selected text from the Bible. Pause at notable words and meditate. Let it infuse in your mind and heart. What does the Lord want to say to me, through these words (the fruit)? At the end, the family members express their experience and share the “fruit”.
3- Communicate: Give thanks to God for the experience lived, write down the “fruit” from this pause,  capture the moment by a photo of this domestic church and share (via facebook) along with the fruit.