Spiritual Accompaniment

I was able to rediscover the face of a Father who loves me

Danielle Sfeir


     In 2020, and during the confinement due to the COVID19 virus, I had a strong spiritual experience which made me think about the need for Spiritual Director to walk along the pathway with me. The Spiritual Accompaniment helped me rediscover the Loving Care of our Heavenly Father and His eagerness to establish a personal relationship with each one of us.
   Reconciliation with myself didn’t take long to start, and still ongoing. Day after day, I feel I am moving forward. It is true that I am challenged by fear and uncertainty but I know deep in my heart that the road to maturity and growth takes leaving my comfort zone in the first place.  As St Paul says "When I was a child, I talked like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me” (1 Corinthians 13:11).  It is the spiritual accompaniment which revealed to me the real meaning of this verse.   As I write these words, I realize more and more that spiritual accompaniment is giving me the power to say "YES to life" a YES that I say every morning as soon as I wake us.  


Colette Hayek

Clinical nurse, Diabetic Edu​cator

    Very hard to tell in words something that goes beyond words.
It’s me…the me of today is not the me of before neither the me of tomorrow.
Who is me? That’s what I am discovering day after day after day through the path at Metanoia.

   It is the same deep inner self trying to BE, but blocked by a lot of myth.Those myths were seen as truth… I was frightened and as a reaction I was struggling to become the best I could with no progress. I felt as if I am a prisoner turning and turning with no seen issue and not knowing where to start, moving around without result, doing and doing and doing and still feeling guilty for not doing enough, that is who me and my friends used to be.
Who I am today after this path? I learned how to be myself in the presence of God with no fear, no guilt, but moving on the spiral of love uniting God with us.
   Who I will become? On this process of becoming I share who I am and prepare myself to a new community service where kids, young adolescents, and elderly build each other’s life and joy, and follow THE PATH the path of Jesus...  In conclusion Spiritual accompany helped me to find THE meaning of my life, to live each moment as the end and the beginning, the alpha and the omega, discovering my inner self, and planning to contribute in helping others to become who they are born to be, by being an active member in metanoia healthy life project.